Mother Source Frequency
Honestly, I didn’t realize that I was blocking myself from receiving the energy of the Mother Source.
I have been consciously tending her Hearth for years, sent on many Quests to experience ways to open my heart, witness the void & listen for her guidance forward.
Until I allowed joy to pour through my body with divine fire in a light frequency transmission journey, I didn’t know that I was only allowing so little to trickle in.
Mother Source is a wild mystery.
As I reconnected to this Source within, she began to expand all the spaces I had kept hidden, so that I could embody more light. It was this awakening intelligence that reminded me how capable of vast amounts of love we are designed to experience.
We say in our minds we know love & desire to give it back fully, however, when a pure consciousness spirals into our awareness, we contract & create a disturbance. When we arrive into the power of the Mother Source field, we discover our perceived limits to receiving her presence.
We only abandon ourselves when we turn away from receiving this Divine Feminine Frequency, our own Vital Life Force Energy.
She is the air we breath, our cells, our life blood, she is the Primordial Essence of all Life. …
Perhaps you’ve experienced a spontaneous moment where you began to feel the power of her field expanding in your body & it felt uncomfortable, so you resisted. A limitation presented, a shadow story, the mind blaming the mother creator for not arriving as you expected. Perhaps, you even raged at her out of fear.
She is the Wisdom of the Cosmos, the illuminating cords of consciousness itself, she knows the all of what is required. She designed these passages of exploration, this Soul Journey.
She brought you to this moment to receive her Divine Presence, because from her very womb, she offers you your own Rising Power.
You may be familiar with hearing the phrase ‘vital life force energy’ expressed through descriptions of a Kundalini Awakening experience. It’s become a heightened topic in our collective awareness lately. However, it’s not important the name, call it as it resonates with you. Life Force Energy is intuitive fluid resting naturally in the spine of the body that when communicated with… can open higher channels to spiritually healing experiences. It’s the Divine Feminine Energy that will Awaken the Cosmic Forces within your physical vessel & release the story that has kept you from knowing Home.
Trust your humble heart, you are being shown the Gateway to your greatest Treasure….
The Alchemical Temple of the God within.
Your Honey Elixir of Life.
Your Presence is Naturally Sacred Space.
Mother Source is calling you to cross through the threshold of Her design.
It is a Divine collaboration of Welcoming you Home within…. where the Creation Wise energy of your encoded vitality & blueprints for accelerated being are stored as treasures on the Altar of your Soul.
The Mother Hearth Frequency is all around you, nourishing you…
Speaking to you to follow your Heart into the Temple of Life.
Calling on us all to tend to the whispers of the unseen, tend the Gateways between the realms, tend our Sacred contact with the magnetic points of Her lands to cultivate with intention the Visions that are Rising through our consciousness.
Are you ready to be held by the Mother Source?
Do you feel the yearning to receive Her loving presence?
Perhaps it’s time to surrender to allowing the vast pathways to open … to experience the sacred rhythms that already flow naturally through your authentic existence.
All is prepared for your arrival home, your presence is the activation.
Now, I can see through the eyes of this Mother wisdom. She has transformed how I desire to communicate & create with the world around me. Electrifying my rhythm & design.
I remember when I was afraid to open & receive Mother Life.
Too timid to embrace the fullness of joy.
Moments, yes…limited versions, yes…
I suppose I didn’t feel worthy.
I’m certain is was due to the embedded template of the Mother Wound most of us have carried. The one where we feel abandoned & hurt, believing we are lost from her love. This ‘wounding’ is a cosmic relationship not designed for separation, but to enfold us into seeking a deeper Source connection within.
I realize many souls are still comfortable with just tasting a little Source nectar.
Just a flutter here & there of bliss.
Unable to yet open their arms into the beyond & merge with their own Cosmic Soul Honey. It is a process to engage & transform with, not a quick ecstatic release of pleasure.
It’s ok, it’s been our perceived limit, we’ve been conditioned to not fully receive. To retreat into safety zones of planned patterns where we wait life out.
So here is a real safety check:
Are you allowing yourself to dance wildly, raise your arms & speak aloud to welcome your own life force to flow through you in your own living space?
When we practice opening our wild senses within our dwellings, we expand the capacity to fully receive our heart’s vision & dance out into the world radiating templates of a newly recoded reality.
You are safe to be free.
Your dwelling is your space of sacred contact.
You are held as you rise into the bliss of simply existing.
I welcome you to invite this Soul Fire Consciousness into your energy field & presence… & witness yourself walk with this Sacred Flame wherever you Journey.
Experience this wave of light intelligence, join me for a frequency session.
You are Source Energy.
You are the Sanctuary.
Feel this Love.
The Mother Hearth Frequency is the Timeless Nurturer.
She Transcends the traditional boundaries of structures and systems,
She Welcomes them into Flow & Simplicity.
She is a Channel of Consciousness that speaks to us of Source Energy.
She is the Threshold that calls us to reunite with our Divine spark within.
Only the Mother could know how we sometimes become so uncomfortable in the space where we live, she knows we seek belonging in freedom.
She knows of the tension we hold in our physical body from the pressure of place,
She knows we desire to be light in our own natural rhythms.
She knows that we exhaust ourselves with trying to advance our visions.
She knows that within every cell we carry the necessary information to express ourselves with Wild Trust.
Travel wisely with a clear Vision Rising …
Receive the Mother Source.
She is the Revelation, You are Her Truth.
There is no form where the Mother Frequency does not journey with us.
She Welcomes us in all places…
She’s available in all the spaces you call Home.
The Mother Source is a living frequency tending to Sacred Contact with your unique Creations, your Devotion to your Self Pilgrimage…
Your Vision Rising.
Awakening her cosmic intelligence in your physical vessel recodes all the places once thought abandoned to become treasures of a sacred sanctuary.
A nourishing hearth of infinite vitality.
Open the Gate to the
Threshold between the Realms…
Welcome yourself Home…