Cosmic Contracts, Sacred Seals

There is intelligence in the land that desires to assist our paths with clarity of creating powerful connections with our higher visions and relations.

All around me I’m witnessing women making clear the way to reclaim their path of self devotion, charging their sacred next steps with focused intention.

I sense the oil lamps of ancient days, naturally illuminating our Temples from within as we are drawn to gather with other women on the path. Speaking languages long forgotten, redirecting our skills & abilities to steward this great era of awakening, stirring conversations that opens our inherent knowings… that the Divine Mother is the original architect of the template of our of ways of being and the unseen forces of the earth. We are reclaiming the paths in many places that connect us to the organic blueprints and scrolls of creation. A matriarchal call to reseal the original cosmic creation codes of the land.

We find matriarchal society symbols from all over the earth of gathering & tuning into the forces of her presence. However, we have allowed a limiting belief system to take form, that there are only specific sacred sites that harness this presence, that ‘she’ will only be present in these places… her codex available to only a few.

Sacred places become recorders of energy. It’s through the conscious tending by lineages of women & men devoted to protecting wisdom and to connect with the resources of the Great Mother, that these places remained alive with magnetic influence for us to return to & remember today.

I’ve witnessed this at all kinds of pyramids, temples, stone circles & churches built over older sites, all attuned through stone structures with a concentrated energy because of the intentions laid to give a place of contact for accelerated frequency with a higher consciousness. Even if the narrative expresses that a man was summoned to build these structures, it was certainly the Divine Mother that called it into being because her presence is undeniably strong in these places. It’s the imprint of divine masculine giving structure for the divine feminine forces to rise.

What are they asking us to remember by recognizing these portals across the land?

Once you begin a path onto these sacred mysteries, you will not find completion.. there is no final destination. You are touring the internal landscape of home. There are encoded passageways of remembrance to a sacred dwelling, a journey opening the gates of wisdom between worlds. This is the boundless expression & conscious presence of the Cosmic Mother. Our ancient traveling souls know this & feel the familiarity of this vast intelligence from other life lines. It’s all there, you’ve done this before.

I witness many women begin to awaken, remembering & returning to these temples across many lands to welcome this elegant divine architecture of home to become the design that elevates our modern locations of living. We are reconnecting a passage of telluric earth energy fields to invigorate our current experiences & radiate out a natural flow of higher consciousness. These pilgrimages for women are about honoring the visionary call to a collective return to balance & welcome the information of future building with the Mother Source.

I don’t believe in destroying the patriarchy nor mindlessly giving energy to inverted matriarchal systems… what I feel we are being prepared to commit to, is securing confirmations of highest creative alignment by renewing authentic sacred contracts & restoring cosmic seals to advance our relationship templates for an entirely new advanced way of living.

What I see is a divinely timed opportunity to recode reality.

Both the masculine & feminine designs  creating in their purest forms are essential to rise unified.

It’s been both the masculine & feminine that have endured false programming & both, in their purest forms, are essential to rise in oneness.

As I walk with Alchemy, I feel our purpose here is to experience transformation & seek joy within. Release illusions along the path to make space for the soul to light up.

I’m certain this is overarching reason I am called to share light body ceremony through the Mother Source Frequency channel: to lead others through alchemical experiences that returns each being to divine union of home within & awakens higher potentials of the soul’s vision.

I’ve found that the way forward becomes more clear as soon as we receive this Divine intelligence and replenish the central channel of this godlike portal within our physical body. All seems to naturally move into rhythm with these cosmic sensations, something unseen begins to shift our desires into merging with the presence of our soul, our perspectives of our earthly purpose and mission begin to take root with an advanced system of organic technology encoded in the earth.

We uncover scrolls of wisdom within our very cells that we are transmitting beyond time.

We begin to realize that we are here to establish conscious relations & agreements that benefit a higher timeline existence for all… we no longer have the ability to shelter the lower conscious forms of separation within ourselves or our partnerships.

Through the trails & trials of these ways of self exploration, I’ve witnessed as we devote energy to self realization… naturally our perspectives, beliefs & relationships will transform, alter, and grow.

And, this awareness expressed itself through my personal experience during the final push through the ‘Lion’s Gate’ when something became very clear to me.

My contract with my husband had to burn.

I broke up with the old version of him as i could no longer walk with an older version of me. There is something greater in both of us desiring to move into form.

My love & I came through this fiery gateway recognizing it was time to alchemize our marriage contract. When you walk along a path of sacred devotion with someone, you continue to naturally transform along the way. Not only the essence of the relationship, as well, your individual self.  We are all simply here to experience change. 

There are habits revealed over years that you each enable to keep each other ‘safe’, it is a defense mechanism within to protect, but actually causes stagnancy & promotes weakness. Which then causes pain of not being seen, or feeling the other can’t fully be the self emerging that their soul is calling forward.  The pressure to remain the same so that others can count on you for what they need. We actually mindlessly program the day to repeat the weakened state of being for those we love & repeat the telling of false stories which enables the lower density version of our partners to show up. And we likewise, put on the masks we so diligently created to make ourselves feel ‘right’ and thus enable our own old shadows to manifest and make a scene.

We were on the water when this union transformed, dissolving our old marriage contract.

But did he give up on the alchemical experience we were going through?

No, he said… ‘Me too.’

Then higher intelligence began speaking through….

These are the crystalline templates of Arthur & Guinnevere, Yeshua & Magdelene…emerging across the planet between sacred union relations & sacred self union within.

This is a divine alchemical awakening to receive the power of the soul’s knowing & allow grace to proved your next earthly steps. for through these reclamations many are carrying key codes for this time of revelation for humanity.

Simply by walking your devoted path & welcoming sacred space union.”

We see the Mission.

And we are currently resealing our sacred contract to meet the vision ahead.

The pure templates of the king and queen in sacred union are emerging through the land as ancient memories of long stored wisdom.

What i see rising now are the templates of the king & queen in sacred union, through the land they are calling up ancient memories of long stored encodements. Through our very cells these symbolic reigns are coming to life, expressing through relationships & within the individual: its the time of reclaiming divine union within

Vibrations of the solar blasts from the lion’s gate brought to light the shadows ready to become fuel for the fire of an alchemical marriage, not be a story that is simply repeated.

This is an opportunity to harness soul aligned clarity. As you are on this quest of restoring union within… surprisingly, some relationships will return to the soils of life. Anger that may arise becomes sacred rage that gets us to take a step we’ve been avoiding to walk into our power. We unknowingly hold each other back, when that's the very thing that causes disturbance in the relationship.  Some of us intuitives will recognize the spaces our partners are limiting themselves. As more truth is coming to the surface, that one or both are limiting their divine inheritance, their cosmic forces.

Relationships become stalled or painful when we resist rising in our own powerful visions. We are afraid that we will not be continuing the journey with the other because they will become the advanced being we know them to be, likewise, we may fear we are moving rapidly beyond the pace of our partner. And if we are not rising with our own fullest presence, we believe ourselves to not be worthy of our own greatness and create friction & confusion. We become fearful of the one we love moving into powerful self union, because we are fearful of experiencing the transformations of our own divine power. When the highest, most beautiful thing we can do is to create a way of release, allow the soul we love to expand into their our source calling, and reclaim a new contract of integrity or support.

The King & Queen Divine Archetype Contract:

The King doesn’t place rules on the Queen because she is an intuitive force, the knowing that is the unseen energy that guides & supports the King. She requires freedom & space to nourish her channel.

The King doesn’t lose his childlike sense of wonder, curiosity, & exploration with life… but he stands in his power of self devotion stewarding great wealth, he harnesses truth & lives by the clarity of the sword.  He tends an earthly kingdom from a place of allowing natural forces to move through him as courage, he is in alignment with a divine plan as a guardian of light.

He supports the Queen in all her endeavors because he knows she brings forward the threads of mystery in ways that only she can.  She is the one that is the receiver and the presence of Mother Life, whose sacred tendings are devotions with the unseen. She is here to be a conduit of unlimited potentials of the forces of nature. The Queen gives birth to the intuitive ideas of form from the formless expanse of the Cosmic.

King Arthur symbolizes the crystalline consciousness of the Christos. He is protector of the Mother Creator wisdom, Sophia consciousness, moving through Queen Guinevere.

As she embodies the key codes of the Dragon Mother of Creation, together they merge a divine union template of pure heart transformation that shift realities for the collective.

Their Divine Seal is a Solar Light Body Awakening that activates the new earth grid.

I feel this is naturally moving through us all, now.

A resurrection template of divine masculine & divine feminine emerging within each human & the planet’s crystalline body. This conscious restoration is journeying through intimate partner bondings, family relations, friendships, business agreements, & creative ventures of all varieties.

Approaching this recent lunar eclipse portal, I felt the pull to begin harmonizing & giving voice to the heart template forming between my husband & I.

Once again, we returned to the waters & the crystalline energy of the land, where we claimed our desire for a renewed contract. Just the two of us, sitting on our boats, in the center of nature’s mirroring portal. A place of purity & clarity.

We shared about our visions, money, dreams, desires, creations… & got down to the most important: giving voice to the echoes of the the Soul’s truth. It was communication on the soul level that made itself known as the foundation of our new bond. And we realized the heart’s most magnetic qualities almost effortlessly.

To feel the unfiltered joy of Sacred Union through the senses of touch, sound, presence, heart expansion, and companionship that supports the freedoms of our human experiences and our personal missions.

We held a heart shaped quartz crystal found somewhere on one of our family explorations, sealed our intentions & prayers within it, called on the Dragons to protect our vision… and tossed into the lake.

This is not a new contract system of rules, expectations or belief systems to carry around, it’s not a feeling of a relationship to ‘work on’… this is a proclamation between two souls who see their mission ahead with full awareness of the self responsibility required within this cosmic union. A devotion to a path of light created beyond form.

We know more intelligence will arrive, desiring to be woven into our sacred seal. Almost immediately after recognizing this commitment, we began receiving new awareness of meetings in other lifetimes, as well as more expressions of our galactic aspects.

We always feel like we’re just getting started… & like we’ve done this 1,000 times before.

What does this have to do with the matriarchal call to reseal the original cosmic creation codes of the land?

We are not here to struggle or be burdened to give life to this quest alone. Mother Life has given us her purposeful design. We are here to connect with others on levels we have only just begun to dream as possible. Her cosmic map of home does not work if we force ourselves to go at it alone from a place of heartbreak or inflated ego. She has encoded within each of us dormant structures of information ready to awaken synchronicity to realize our journey with other Light Soul’s activated to make creative contact with us. We each have been given a part of the blueprint that we are here to seal with the land & our relations.

To bring forth the keys that each of us carry within: we require awakened vital life force energy, awareness of our gifts that we are here to share, generosity of spirit as we welcome innovative ideas, courage to be humble as we rise with the powerful embodiment meeting us & the gentleness to move with flexibility through shifting timelines.

Mother Source is holding the scrolls for the Visionaries within the grids of the earth: magnetically linked to our physical bodies are scrolls of knowledge, maps of information that are accessed through intention & self command. Our individual light signatures charge points of energy all around the planet. As traveling souls incarnated with original keycodes of Creation, its our responsibility to make contact with the Dragon energy lines in the land & awaken the world around us. We have arrived here to reclaim the sacred site of home as a channel for divine influences to journey into form.

The places you are called to live or pilgrimage are divinely aligned to reveal what no one else has the original blueprint for… a unique frequency collaboration with Mother Source. As we speak aloud the invocations that journey from a higher knowing, we naturally stir unseen energetics of the universe to anchor higher timelines. Natural forces that respond & communicate with those of us that are willing to be a bridge between the realms, the above & the below. There is a powerful exchange that occurs when the Creator in form directs energy.

If you have been called to craft a new path & share it with the world, sealing this vision into the land where you live will begin shifting the world around you to support your transformation. You are the divine receiver & transmitter of unique intelligence. These scrolls of vast wisdoms within you are ready to emerge in communication with the deep knowings of the ancient land.

Invoke the templates of the creative vision appearing to you, put your hands on the soil & bond them into the land with the power of your voice activating the seal. Energy is all around you & waiting to be directed. Claim Sacred Space. Walk the steps of your home & land, declaring your awareness that your are ready to align with Source & anchor new templates.

It’s along the soul’s pilgrimage of self devotion, where we locate the power center of our treasure: our unique essence we are here to share with others that Mother Source entrusted within each of us during this time of earth’s mass transformation

By receiving these light transmissions from her, we become vessels ready to fulfill her divine design moving through the lands of this exquisite planet. Can you imagine the potentials for the future if we choose to first devote our energies to rediscovering our soul aligned cosmic contracts ready to be revealed & resealed?

Can you imagine the impact throughout our communities & families?… as we choose to consciously walk with intent to restore the higher timeline templates of this kingdom, wherever we are called to travel, we maintain a devoted collaboration with natural forces by simply reigniting the sacred seal of balance & union between the cosmic & spiritual realms.

I can sense the women preparing for this sacred space contact, now.

Billie Light Walker

Billie is a Sacred Travel Guide.

Through the portals of home, she is here to share alchemical explorations to awaken your life force energy, expand your creation potential & welcome your vision into a new reality.

Multidimensional Alchemy


The Sacred Travel Woman